Aid packages for automobile industry

France pledged support for its ailing car makers on Monday by promising loans of 3 billion euros ($3.89 billion) each for PSA Peugeot Citroen and Renault.

Here are some details about recent aid packages for the shattered auto industry:

* BRAZIL -- Said in November it had instructed state-run bank Banco do Brasil to make available a total of 4 billion reals ($1.72 billion) so that automakers' financing units could increase lending and spur sales.

* BRITAIN -- Announced last month it would guarantee up to 2.3 billion pounds ($3.29 billion) of loans to the car industry. The government said it would guarantee up to 1.3 billion pounds of auto industry loans from the European Investment Bank and guarantee a further 1 billion pounds of loans to back investments that are not eligible for support from the European lender.

* CANADA -- Unveiled an aid package on December 20 that provided C$4 billion ($3.28 billion) in emergency loans to the Canadian arms of General Motors and Chrysler to keep them operating while they restructure. The automakers have a deadline of February 20 to come up with a comprehensive plan that would allow them to get government aid.

* CHINA -- Unveiled measures on January 14, which included cutting in half, to 5 percent, the sales tax on purchases of cars with engine sizes below 1.6 liters and one-off cash subsidies totaling 5 billion yuan ($731.1 million) to owners of high-emission vehicles who trade them in for cleaner ones.

* FRANCE -- Pledged loans of 3 billion euros each to struggling car makers PSA Peugeot Citroen and Renault, in return for them promising to 'do everything' to avoid further job losses. The five-year, 6 percent interest rate loans are designed to fund investment into clean vehicle technologies.

* GERMANY -- Unveiled a 1.5 billion euro aid package on January 13. The package forms part of a 50 billion euro stimulus package of investments, tax relief and support for companies. The measures include incentives worth 2,500 euros for new car purchases.

* ITALY -- Announced a stimulus package for cars on Friday which includes a payment of as much as 1,500 euros for trading in an old car to buy a new one. Italian car sales are expected to fall 17 percent in 2009, after a 13 percent drop in 2008,

* PORTUGAL: -- Announced on December 3 a 200 million euro credit line for auto and car parts exporters.

* SWEDEN -- Said on January 22 it had given the National Debt Office the authority to grant emergency loans to the industry.

* UNITED STATES -- Announced on December 19 a $17.4 billion lifeline to Detroit carmakers. The bailout funds will come from the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief (TARP) program. GM will receive $13.4 billion and Chrysler $4 billion. Ford Motor Co said it did not need a loan. Loans will be called in if the automakers cannot prove they are viable by March 31.

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