Ford Turns to Family Member Elena To Lead Global Marketing

In a surprising move, the Ford Motor Co. has turned to a family member to beef up its global marketing, starting with the 2010 launch of the Ford Focus. Elena Ford, 42, the great-great granddaughter of auto pioneer Henry Ford, was tapped for the new position of director of Ford's global marketing, sales and service operations.

The Tuesday announcement may signal that the Ford family is once again assuming a more high-profile role in the day-to-day operations of the automaker. Until now, William Clay Ford, Jr., Ford's great-grandson, has been widely regarded as the face of the company. He is the executive chairman of the board of directors of Ford. He had served as president, CEO and Chief Operating Officer until turning those roles over to Boeing executive Alan Mulally in 2006.

Elena Ford is currently executive vice president of Ford Motor Credit's global brand and marketing. She starts her new job on February 1.

In a statement, Ford said the promotion 'reflects an aggressive move to global vehicles.'

'All Ford vehicles competing in global segments will be common in North America, Europe and Asia within the next five years,' Ford said.

Elena Ford is the daughter of Charlotte Ford and the late Stavros Niarchos, a shipping executive. She is the granddaughter of the late Anne Ford Johnson and Henry Ford II.

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