MIA secures Government assistance

The Economic and Business Minister, Ian Pearson (MP for Dudley South) has written to MIA CEO, Chris Aylett outlining initial support available for suppliers in the motorsport and high performance engineering industries in the UK. His letter was welcomed by the MIA. This follows a period of close pro-active work between his Government Department (BERR) and the MIA over recent weeks. “ We acted as fast as we could to link with Government to secure a range of support for motorsport businesses in the UK “ said MIA CEO, Chris Aylett. “ We will ensure that our vital sector, and MIA members, are not overlooked by any support being made available. The initial range of support is covered in the documents below supplied to us by the Minister”. “I encourage all in motorsport to read these and, most importantly, to urgently pass them along to their UK suppliers so making sure all in our business community receive help where needed “ Aylett added “ We must achieve the widest possible distribution and the MIA need your help to achieve this.” At the Autosport International Show, the MIA has arranged for FREE Business Help clinics for all UK companies on their stand ( Hall 8, Stand 8020) where advice on many of these schemes will be available, as well as from the Government contacts given. This is all part of the MIA Action Plan for 2009 to make MIA member companies survive and prosper.

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