New car resolutions for smarter drivers

New car buyers in England are being urged to ACT on CO2 to save fuel and money when searching for New Year deals. The Department for Transport (DfT), working with wider Government and the motoring industry, will be helping motorists to make a more informed choice for their next new car. From today the ACT ON CO2 website will provide a car search tool that can be used to compare CO2 emissions and annual running costs on all current editions of each make and model: giving buyers all the facts before making their purchase. Transport Minister Andrew Adonis said: 'This campaign shows how the choices we make when buying a new car can have a big impact on future fuel costs and emissions, as well as the road tax we pay. 'By using the ACT ON CO2 search tool, buyers can choose the most fuel efficient cars and see the savings on the screen in front of them. I hope this will encourage individuals and businesses to look for an economical car whilst supporting the industry and stimulating widespread environmental change.' Matching buyers with cars will help to boost the market in the run up to new car registrations in March: showing that it is possible to save money and reduce CO2 emissions when buying a new car. At a difficult time for the economy this will give a much needed boost to both drivers and the motor industry. The new tool highlights the annual running cost savings that can be made by comparing editions with the most fuel efficient car in that specific category. It has been created with significant input from the people who will be using and maintaining the site, and reflects the suggestions made in a recent consultation. Drivers could potentially save up to 3 months' worth of fuel each every year, simply by taking time to choose their next car. When combined with smarter driving techniques, this could make a significant contribution to family budgets. The ACT ON CO2 website highlights a number of tips for smarter driving, which enable drivers to save money, fuel and reduce CO2 emissions. These include driving at a measured speed, not overloading car boots and keeping tyres pumped up. In addition the site shows how to limit fuel wastage, by not leaving engines idles and not over revving. With the search tool, DfT is also launching a new advertising campaign to promote ACT ON CO2's 'save money, save fuel' message. The campaign will highlight the CO2 and financial savings that can be made by choosing a more fuel efficient new car.

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