Patterson: Dodd is in no position to criticize Wagoner

According to the Center for Responsive Politics, nearly half, $5.2 million, of the total $13.6 million Dodd raised in his brief but unsuccessful race for the presidency came from the very industries -- finance, insurance, and real estate -- that he is charged with regulating as chairman of the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee. The Pac Man also took from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the federally created mortgage companies, a grand total of $165,400 between 1989 and 2008. And then when this financial service sector of our economy found itself in desperate straits, Dodd had no problem approving a $700 billion dollar no-strings bailout of the finance industry which had so generously supported his campaign. Frankly, a man with such ethical lapses as Sen. Chris Dodd is in no position to criticize the CEO of General Motors. Rick Wagoner is a decent, hardworking and intelligent leader of General Motors Corp. who enjoys the full support of his board. L. Brooks Patterson Oakland County Executive Pontiac

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