Winter tyre advice for caravanners from Protyre

Protyre, the UK’s leading independent tyre dealer network, is offering some practical advice to caravan owners who are laying up their trailer for the winter months. Firstly, the company advises, tyres should be checked visually for any damage particularly to the sidewall of caravan tyres which can easily sustain impact damage through trailer cut-in on corners and should be acted upon.To ensure that caravan tyres are fit for next year’s summer motoring season Protyre recommends the following actions:Examine and check the tyres for tread depth and any signs of damage to the sidewall or signs of mis-alignment. Check the valves for general condition Ideally the caravan should be jacked up so the weight of the caravan does not rest on the tyres. Cover the tyres when dry with black plastic to protect them from the winter elements. Better still, remove wheels completely and store them flat, in a cool and dry condition, away from sunlight. Care should be taken not to store them in close proximity to volatile solvents on a damp concrete floor. If wheel are removed cover the brake drums and hubs following any necessary servicing. Caravanners should also be aware of insurance requirements which normally require the use of wheel clamps or locks. Whilst the lack of wheels may appear to immobilise a caravan, thieves have been known to fit wheels to steal a caravan and the owner would be liable if precautions were not taken. Commenting on the winter tyre advice Barry Norris from the Camping and Caravanning Club said, “Tyres do tend to be forgotten at the end of the summer season and the Protyre advice is very timely and welcome. Tyres are the only contact the car and caravan has with the road surface and so care should be taken that they are in good condition and fit for purpose.”For more information, visit

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