NICE urges London boroughs to follow Westminster lead

Westminster City Council is leading London with incentives for electric cars. Now NICE Car Company, based in West London, is urging more boroughs to follow suit to help drive down emissions across the capital.

Westminster currently hosts 60 re-charging points, the highest concentration of ‘juice points’ in London. It also offers parking concessions - free on-road parking and in council-owned car parks - for a modest annual administration fee of £200.

“People buy an electric car for many reasons, but convenience and low running costs are among the most important,” said Julian Wilford NICE co-founder. “Westminster’s support, through parking concessions and juice points, has gone a long way to driving interest in this burgeoning market.”

Electric cars emit no CO2 from the tailpipe, nor any air quality pollutants like NOx and particulates. That helps improve quality of life for residents and visitors.

Wilford added, “As more Londoners switch on to the financial and environmental benefits of electric cars it’s important that concessions in one borough match those in another. If confidence grows, so will the market. The result is a win-win in which emissions decline and electric car owners save money.”

Cllr Danny Chalkley, Westminster's cabinet member for environment and transport, said, 'We are happy to lead the way here in Westminster and champion electric car drivers. Our recharging points are proving extremely popular with hundreds of people registered to use them. It makes sense to make recharging points a standard format so it's as easy as possible for people to move to more environmentally friendly forms of transport across London.'

While NICE is concerned that incentives vary across neighbouring boroughs, recent moves to better co-ordination have been welcomed. In July, Mayor Boris Johnson promised to treble the number of re-charging points across the capital and create a new electric vehicle partnership.

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