Manitoba sweeps national titles for truck driver, dispatcher of year

Manitoba sweeps national titles for truck driver, dispatcher of yearOTTAWA, Ont. -- Two Manitobans have been selected from their counterparts across the country to receive the title National Truck Driver of the Year and National Dispatcher of the Year. It is a rare that these two prestigious honours would go to individuals who hail from the same province in the same year. A woman from Warren, Man. has been selected as Canada's top dispatcher and a man from Oakbank, Man. has been named Canada's top truck driver. They will both be presented with their award at the Manitoba Trucking Association awards banquet at The Gates on Roblin in Headingly, Man. 8:30 p.m. tomorrow night. The CTA/Volvo Trucks Canada National Truck Driver of the Year award is presented annually to a professional transport driver who has a collision-free driving record and is an exemplary truck driver both on and off the road. The recipient is selected by a panel of judges made up of representatives from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Canada Safety Council, the Traffic Injury Research Foundation of Canada and the Canadian Trucking Alliance. The Shaw Tracking/Canadian Trucking Alliance National Dispatcher of the Year award is bestowed annually to a dispatcher who has demonstrated an outstanding commitment to customer service, safety, driver well being, courtesy, team work, problem solving and community service/volunteer work. The winner is selected from dispatchers who have won the award at the provincial level in each of Canada's provinces. To be considered for the award, a dispatcher must be nominated by his employer and have at least two letters of recommendation from drivers and the company's customers. The recipient is selected by a panel of industry representatives with expertise in trucking operations.

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