DVLA park up plates for the car connoisseur

From Alfa Romeos, Mercedes, BMWs and Jaguars to iconic VW Beetles, Talbots and Datsuns – if you’re a fan of these marques and more, the next DVLA Personalised Registration three-day auction has to be for you. The agency has answered the calls from Alfa Romeo aficionados by including arguably “the” perfect plate – ALF 4A – to head up its car-related registrations at the Tankersley Manor auction, South Yorkshire, on November 19-21.Others of note include BMW 1A and BMW 730D, a crop of Mercedes-linked plates including CLS 6, 79 CS, 58 SL and SLR 73X. There’s also a selection for Jaguar drivers including 36 JAG and XJR 1A. For MG enthusiasts 78 MG is also featured.D47 SUN, perfect for the classic Japanese marque, will also go under the hammer with a reserve price of just £350. The highest reserve for the event is £8,000 set for 1 RH.Mitsubishi Evo owners are expected to push the boat out for EVO 1S.Damian Lawson, Marketing Manager for DVLA Personalised Registrations, said: “While the auction will be brimming with the usual array of registrations to suit all tastes, there’s a crop which will be of particular interest to fans of specific car marques.” In all, 1,600 personalised registrations will be sold over the three days. For more information, visit dvlaregistrations.co.uk/auction

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