GM, lender hype loan availability

The tougher restrictions hit GM at a tough time. The automaker's vehicle sales are down 18.1 percent this year, revenue has plunged and the company is taking drastic steps to reduce costs and raise cash. U.S. auto sales in September fell to their lowest level in 15 years and consumer confidence has dropped amid job losses, a souring economic outlook and gas prices that reached $4 a gallon before retreating in the past few weeks. And several forecasters predict this month's selling pace might fall to less than 12 million cars and trucks, the lowest level since the early 1980s. 'Credit has been tightening and banks and lending institutions have been tightening up credit restrictions, but that doesn't mean consumers can't get a loan,' GM spokesman John McDonald said. The ads also will highlight deals that include up to $6,000 cash back on 2008 GM models. Under the new program, dealers will be able to access hundreds of lenders through a Web-based system called 'Route One.' Dealers submit a credit application once and it is reviewed by GMAC and others to find the best financing option. 'Credit really isn't the issue. People aren't walking into the showroom,' said Wes Brown of the Los Angeles marketing research firm Iceology. 'It's almost like 9/11. You've created this hysteria for the average consumer.' Brown said even Toyota has taken the 'unprecedented' step of advertising the availability of credit at its dealerships. Except for those with very high credit scores, buyers are more likely to need a down payment. Marc Cannon, a senior vice president of mega-retailer AutoNation, said the ad campaign is an 'interesting step' considering the tight credit market. 'We'll just have to see what it really means,' he said. 'We've looked at the GMAC decision and we feel they left a lot of business out there by raising the standard to 700.' Brown, however, was skeptical the GM campaign would work. 'I don't know if it's going to have that much effect,' he said. 'Consumers have just been scared to the point of paralysis.'

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