Michael Schumacher saunters around

This past Sunday, Ferrari had its Racing Days event at the Nürburgring in Germany and after the customers got a chance to 'ring out their rides, company legend Michael Schumacher wheeled out the new Ferrari California and put it through its paces. For those of you waiting to hear a lap time, don't hold your breath. The track was wet, the course was the F1 track, and the event was more of a meet-and-greet than a pedal-to-the-metal assault on the GT-R. This short YouTube clip by JurreAG will show you MS taking the California through the first few turns from a standing start near turn one. While you can clearly see that the car has some oomph, there aren't any real references for comparison or hard data for bragging/arguing/flaming yet. Sure does sound nice though, and it beats the last video clip we had of the car pretty much sitting still and posing for beauty shots. Check out the mini-gallery of stills below and the YouTube clip after the jump.

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