Toyota won't compete with Big 3 in the pickup segment this year

The Toyota Tundra is more capable of being a dependable 1/4 pickup then GM,Ford and Dodge. They not only built it to be as good, but better then the 'Big 3' from day one. The few issues they have had were problems that were related to the first few thousands and were takin care voluntarily by Toyota. Most customer's didn't even know their Tundra had an issue, but Toyota contacted them and let them know. They didn't wait like the typical 'Big 3', who choose to ignore problems until it's obvious. Even though it's built in the US, atleast I know the union isn't building it !! Thank goodness too, or it would have the same problems as Ford, GM and Dodge. The Tundra is bigger, faster, and stronger !! I've compared all 4 versions, and actaully see the diffrence in the trucks. It's too bad the market is full of people that can't by it because it's not American...

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