Details Revealed on Postmodern 2015 Ford Model T and Model T2

DEARBORN, Michigan — Ford on Wednesday introduced the winners of its Model T concept contest, emphasizing vehicles that are simple and green — and come from entrants far afield from Detroit.Students from Aachen University in Cologne, Germany, won kudos for their 2015 Ford Model T, a global vehicle that can be built 'using standard tools.' Students from Deakin University in Melbourne, Australia, created a concept vehicle named Model T2 that 'represents a green and inexpensive vehicle,' Ford said in a statement.The Model T2 uses a small, three-wheel vehicle platform with a 'novel steering system' and compressed air rotary hub motors.The parameters of the contest were to create a vehicle with a target price of $7,000 and a range of about 125 miles.What this means to you: Sounds good to us. Now they should build them. — Anita Lienert, Correspondent

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