Genesis Sales Start With A Bang But Will It Continue?

On another note, the reason why Hyundai cars are doing well and increasing their market share is because for the most part, American consumers are still smart and value-oriented people compared with other parts of the world. Within the US population, I believe white people are the most reasonable, practical, and value-oriented sub-race. I'm not saying white people aren't or can't be snobbish and image-oriented but compared to other races like Chinese and Koreans, they are more down-to-earth and less likely to be brand-whores.

Most Hyundai drivers I see on the road are like 98% whites (here in Orange County). It's not b/c they're poorer than their Asian counterparts--they're simply more practical in general.

Asians, on the other hand, especially the Chinese and Koreans, are absolute brand-whores. They are so self-conscious and care so much about what their friends, family, and future potential mates will think, they go out of their way to buy new brand-name cars they can't afford. If they can't buy new, they will buy used brand-name cars and pretend they actually had the money in the first place to buy it. And if that fails, they'll lease the car for 2 to 4 years and pretend they're so successful.

And the funniest thing is, I've seen so many Asians drive 'nice cars' but they live in crappy apartments and small houses with low rent.

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