SOUND OFF: Do You Agree? NY Times Says It Is It Time To Limit A Car To 75 MPH!

'Guns don't kill people, people kill people', right? In other words, guns can be a factor in death, but not the cause. Speed is only a factor and will always be that and never the true cause of accidents and/or death -- that would be the fault of poor judgment, inattentive driving, drivers that were improperly trained or put forth the minimal effort to be trained, and/or fate.I do understand that municipalities have to capitalize on writing tickets for speeders, but pestering drivers for driving 5-13 mph over the posted speed limit is a waste of time unless the conditions are poor (rain, sleet, snow, high winds, etc.) and THEY ARE ACTUALLY IN A POSITION TO CAUSE DANGER TO OTHERS (a cop that pulls along side of someone, flashes their lights, and then announces over their loudspeaker to 'watch your speed!', would be a better service to all and allows the cop to remain available for more important situations). IMHO, police and highway patrols would do a better job to create safety for all by enforcing the 'smaller' rules, an 'if you want people to follow the big rules, they must respect the lesser one' mentality. I'm referring to driver's etiquette, common courtesies and common sense -- slower traffic keep right, left lane is used for passing and drivers should yield to faster vehicles while cruising by moving over to the next right lane, allowing drivers to pass on the left, being attentive and courteous to other drivers around you, maintaining your vehicle properly (acceptable tread depth on tires, suspension and brakes), using proper signaling to get the attention of other drivers and not forcing them to 'guess' where you want/need to go, not impeding the flow of traffic (how often is the ass end of a turning vehicle partially in your lane?), keeping personal distractions to a minimum (excessively loud music, doing your hair, makeup or shaving, etc.), not using your cellphone to text someone while the vehicle is in motion (you be surprised), if able-bodied not having both hands free to drive at all times (in other words, get a headset for your cellphone and use it!, otherwise, pull to the side of the road in a safe area and away from traffic), be attentive to your surroundings and posted signage (knowing the speed limit for example), proceeding to the next available exit if your speed and/or vehicle location puts yourself and more importantly, others in jeopardy, and yielding the right of way.(I could go on and on, but this should be enough to get the message across to the uninformed.)Now granted, all of what I've suggested are factors just like speed can be in causing an accident. It is, however, more likely that what I've suggested to be a factor FIRST, long before speed is considered. I think speed can only be a factor sooner only during an investigation of an accident and in hindsight. Furthermore, I suggest this as an overall perspective and not with the implication of ignoring it altogether.On a side note: I just

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