Detroit Rumor Control: GM Launches 'Facts and Fiction' Web Site

DETROIT — General Motors says it wants to make sure the public gets the full story about the company, its products, and its prospects. That's why GM has launched a new Web site that it calls GM Facts and Fiction. GM calls the style of the new site 'conversational and direct.' With headings such as 'Myth: The Volt Is Vaporware' and 'Myth: GM Can't Compete,' the automaker is taking a defensive posture and answering questions that the public may or may not have asked. There's also a 'Submit a Myth' feature that invites, 'If you've read or heard something about GM, we'd love to know about it so we can have an opportunity to address it.'The answers, by the way: 'We can assure, you, the Volt is for real. On June 3, GM announced that production funding for the Volt had been approved,' the site says, offering a link to the dedicated Volt site. And: 'GM competes head to head with the best global carmakers in every major market except Japan, which is effectively closed to non-Japanese companies. And we do quite well, thank you.'What this means to you: Does this new site make GM appear more communicative or just make the big company look defensive? Time will tell.— Laura Sky Brown, Correspondent

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