MG Backpedals on Plans To Bring TF to U.S.

LONGBRIDGE, England — Production of 500 MG TFs kicked off here in August, but plans have been dropped to bring a revamped version of the roadster to the U.S., according to Gary Hagen, the marketing director of NAC MG.Hagen disclosed the automaker's rollout plans to the British Web site Austin Rover Online in a recent interview. 'We're starting with the U.K. and Ireland and, once we're up to speed, we will be pushing to sell in Europe,' Hagen said. 'The U.S.A. isn't on the short-term radar as an anticipated market for us, but with the right product, it would be good to return there.'The news will likely be seen as another blow to the legions of U.S. fans of the iconic British sports car. A number of plans to revive the MG in the U.S. have been discussed over the years, but none ever seem to work. MGs were last sold here in 1980.Hagen also confirmed that plans to build MGs in Oklahoma from kits shipped from China have been shelved. 'The deal fell through,' he said.What this means to you: There'll be no new MG in your driveway anytime soon. — Anita Lienert, Correspondent

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