Are You Left Wing Or The Right Wing When It Comes To Conserving Oil?

The truth of the matter is that we're too short-sighted, as individuals, to do anything until it's too late. I've always thought that CAFE was a stupid way of doing things--especially when some car companies do big cars better and some do small cars better. But, at least, it was something semi-positive. The fact is that we've known all along that oil is a finite resource. Any of us over 40 remember the oil crises in the 70s. Anyone under 40 who didn't think it would happen in their lifetime failed, like most, to have an understanding of history and the fact that people tend to repeat mistakes until they can't any more.

There are several ways the government (we the people collaboratively--the government isn't some alien force in which we've no say) could encourage less fuel consumption, any of which could be phased in to help prevent the poor from suffering too much. First, and I know this would be really popular here, is to do what President Nixon did: lower the speed limit. Enforce it with speed cameras, like Britain, if needed.

Second, raise the gas tax. Gas isn't over £1/litre in Britain and Germany because of market pressures. It's because they've made a decision to be thoughtful about what they're doing, unlike most of us in this hemisphere.

Third, strengthen the gas guzzler tax and make it apply to SUVs and pick-ups. There's no reason someone buying a car getting 15 mpg should have to pay thousands, but someone buying an SUV getting 12 mpg pays nothing. On the other side of things, give credits and subsidies to mass transit passes, scooter purchases, purchases of hybrids, diesels... (you get the picture)

Fourth, create an annual pollution/gas guzzler tax or base registration fees on pollution/fuel consumption.

I don't know which or what combination of these or other measures would be best, in the end. However, government needs to do something. If we'd continued on the road towards conservation and alternative energy that Nixon and Carter put us on, this wouldn't have happened. Instead, Reagan, Clinton and the Bushes decided to screw the future. Unfortunately, this is the beginning of the future that they screwed.

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