GERMANY: BMW sales fall in first half

BMW Group global sales fell 2.8% last month to 146,138 units though half-year volume was up 4.7% to 764,874 cars.
"The company was not entirely able to avoid the difficult economic trends in important individual markets such as the USA and Japan," the automaker said in a statement.
BMW brand deliveries rose 2.4% in the first half to 637,569. June sales were off 4.8% to 121,576.
Mini sales were up 17.9% in the first half to 126,810 and June sales rose 8.8% to 24,448. Sales were boosted by the new Clubman version that now accounts for 20% of volume.
For the first half, BMW reported "strong growth" in Europe, Asia and South America but could not match previous year sales in North America and Africa.
European sales rose 7.9% to 470,225 vehicles. Western Europe was up 6.6% to 446,032 units and the east 32.9% to 21,479.
Asian sales rose 8.7% to 83,386 units led by China, up 25.1% to 35,468.
US sales fell 4.0% to 157,913 units in the first half in a market off 10.1% overall.
Central and South Americasaw increases of 8.4% to 7,486 and 24.4% to 4,350 vehicles respectively.
Sales in Africa fell 11.6% to 14,708 units, South Africa was odd 15.5% to 11,174 units.
Spurred by new models, Rolls-Royce deliveries tose 68.4% to 495 cars in the first six months of 2008. June sales were up 26.2% to 114.
BMW also posted a first half fall of 5.6% to 55,932 units for its motorcycle division.
From: editorial team

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